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Love Valley

Teddy V


a group of people posing for the camera

Savage Joi

Ivonne Vega

Captain Tom

a man holding a guitar

Paul Beach

Tim England

Char Good

Vic Ruggiero (from the Slackers)

Sonido Tropical

a group of people posing for the camera

Mi Tierra

Interstellar Groove Machine

Joe Barrera

G3 Two Guitars & A Girl

Lawrence Cohen

a person sitting on a bench next to a body of water

The Alley-Gators


Highway 1 Band

The Mango Brothers


DJ Erick

Short Circuit

Mark Nathan

Ruben Anderson

Carl Lewis

Oscar Alvarado

Viera High School Band

Onyx Brown

Benjamin Corson

Brevard Police & Fire Pipes & Drums



Finnegan Tim

a group of people standing around a sign posing for the camera

a group of people standing next to a guitar

a person sitting on a stage

a group of people standing in front of a stage

Cliff Dorsey

a person holding a guitar in front of a stage

Ashley Breaux

a woman holding a guitar

Kenny Cohen

a person wearing a costume

Krystal Clarke

a woman posing for a picture

a woman holding a knife

a woman standing in front of a mirror posing for the camera

Pearl Joy & Howard Laravea

a person talking on a cell phone


a woman taking a selfie

Alexander James

a man sitting on the grass

a person holding a guitar

Keano B


Tomas Lopez

a man wearing a suit and tie standing next to a tree

Andre Neblett, O.T. Fagbenle standing next to a guitar

Steve Kirsner

a man sitting in front of a piano

Rick Ferrin

Paulo Szot holding a guitar

Chief Cherry & Friends

a man holding a book

Skylar Green

a person standing in front of a graffiti covered wall


Fred Cavese


Eric Duncan

a man holding a guitar

Dillon Dixon

Dillon Dixon smiling for the camera

Jerry Zee

a man holding a microphone

Dave Jones

a person holding a sign

a man wearing a hat

Blue Diamond Band

a group of people playing instruments and performing on a stage

logo, company name

Key Change

a group of people posing for the camera

Mary Buck

a person standing on a stage

a man holding a guitar


a couple of people posing for the camera

Mental Notes


Melbourne Community Orchestra
