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Art at Prime

Here at Urban Prime, we believe that art moves us, it empowers us, it reaches into the soul and depicts our deepest desires and emotions. Art brings humanity together, to experience these phenomena as one. It is in art, that we find each other, and that we find ourselves. Join us at Urban Prime, as we journey with our featured local artists and witness their inspiration. Urban Prime's gallery will connect you to some of the most fantastic talents, in the Brevard area - with live performances, demonstrations and original works of art, we invite you to be delighted and moved. We are extremely excited to be a part of the Shop+Dine+Gather experience that brings visitors together while celebrating culture, cuisine and community in a relaxed environment.

All featured artists, are a part of the Brevard Cultural Alliance (BCA)/Exhibit Program. BCA is a 501(c)(3 nonprofit organization. Promoting arts and culture in the community, BCA works with approximately 175 local artists. Connect at:

Newest Art Installation

Trey Bryan

E. Lee Wilson Jr.

Christine Velez-Stone

Kira Quinn

Peg Phenicie

AnnaJo Vahle

Fred Mannarino

Anouck Jourdaa

Richard Jachimecki

Desmond Frederick

Jim Badgio

Barbara Fine

Tim Mostert

Derek Gores

Karin Delagi

Brevard County Artist Spotlight: Karin ...

Debbie Pettigrew

Natalie Harmon

Juan Arroyo

Shirin Malekiraei

Iris Beate Struller

Rene Griffith

Polly Tetrault

Linda Kirsten Cole

Ella Grace Helton

Ella Grace Helton - IMDb

Mitch Gubnitsky

Kestrel Michaud

Gina Welds (Hulse)